Cala Tuent: Beach & Surroundings

Most vacationers head to the rugged northwest coast to visit Sa Calobra and Torrent de Pareis. Few realize that just a few kilometers to the west lies a hidden gem. The Cala Tuent beach is a natural bay surrounded by imposing mountains, perfect for both swimming and hiking. Because in addition to the crystal-clear water ideal for swimming, there’s also a picturesque viewpoint by an old watchtower.

Cala Tuent Beach

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On the northwest coast of Mallorca, there are only a few beautiful beaches, and they are usually overcrowded in the summer. Many of the coves and beaches are rocky, and the sea is rough and wild. Cala Tuent is not a typical bathing beach, but in this part of the island, it is the best bathing alternative. While people are packed tightly in Sa Calobra and Torrent de Pareis, here you have much more space and, apart from the rocky terrain, a better bathing experience. If you come outside the summer months, you can also take some great hikes. And even boat trips are possible. I have gathered everything you need to know about Cala Tuent in this post.

Get there by Boat: Book your tour here

Getting to the Cala Tuent Beach

The beach of Cala Tuent is very well hidden amidst the high mountains of the Tramuntana range. To be precise, Puig Major, the highest point of the island, literally casts shade over the bay. Heading west, there is nothing but untouched nature for a long time until Port de Sóller (accessible by foot or sea) is reached. To the east, there is slightly more civilization. In the immediate vicinity, there is the fishing village of Sa Calobra and the impressive Torrent de Pareis gorge.

The most common way to get there, if you don’t want to hike from Port de Sóller or take a boat, is to drive on the winding road to Sa Calobra. The drive itself is already an experience and sometimes so hard that most vacationers drive to the gorge but then don’t take the little detour to Cala Tuent, much to their disadvantage.

Especially when you want to take a swim after visiting the main attraction, I would always recommend Cala Tuent. You are already in the area, and neither Sa Calobra nor Torrent de Pareis are really suitable for swimming. And especially if you’re traveling with children, this bay is the better option. Simply because they can play much more freely and with more space here.

Cala Tuent is considerably larger. Although it is framed by trees and mountains, there is less of a feeling of being cramped here. Although there is no pure sandy beach at this bay either, the sand is mixed with rocks and pebbles from the nearby stream, which is why the water is so clear. Wearing water shoes is advisable. The bay is more sheltered from the sea, and in general, it is safer to swim here than on the beach in the gorge. However, there are no lifeguards, so you are responsible for yourself and your children.

Although the beach at Cala Tuent is less crowded than the neighboring town, the parking situation here has become increasingly tight in recent years. We haven’t experienced not finding a parking spot yet, but during the summer, it’s possible that parking may not be available near the beach. All parking areas are subject to a fee, so pay attention to the blue lines and signs. You can check parking availability in real time through this app.

At the beach of Cala Tuent, there are no service facilities or water sports activities available. There is a small hut by the sea that serves as a bar in the summer. Further inland, in the small village consisting of a few houses, you will find the restaurant Es Vergeret. It is situated on a slightly elevated position and offers spectacular views of the beach from its terrace.

Boat Tours to Cala Tuent

Due to its less than optimal accessibility and proximity to the Port de Sóller harbor, there are regular boat trips to Cala Tuent during the summer months and as long as the weather permits. These trips are available for those who simply want to visit the beach, as well as for hikers who walk the nearly 15 kilometers from Sóller to get here and need a return trip. There are no general schedules available. For current information and a phone number to ensure that the boat is running, visit

Boat Tours to Cala Tuent

Alternatively, you can also book an excursion boat that will take you to both Cala Tuent and Sa Calobra, as well as to Torrent de Pareis. This way, you will have seen all the coves and natural wonders of this part of the island at once. You can book the tour here.

Hiking at Cala Tuent

The Cala Tuent beach is not only a place to relax, but also a great spot for hikers. There are several beautiful hiking trails available, two of which may be challenging but still doable with older children.

From Port de Sóller via Bàllitx d’Avall

Tour details: 15 km one way – 650 m altitude gain– 5 h

This hike is a classic among those who come to Mallorca for hiking. It takes you through a typical Mallorcan landscape, passing by former manor houses and smugglers’ caves. One of the estates even serves hikers cake and coffee. And you definitely need some sustenance because the elevation gain here is no joke.

Alternatively, you can shorten the route by starting at the Mirador de ses Barques, which is located just outside the town and overlooks the port. From there, the one-way distance is only 10 km, which can be done in about three hours. To get back to Port de Sóller you take the above-mentioned boat.

To the Hermitage Sa Mola de Tuent

Tour Details: 2 km – 190 m altitude gain – 1 h

High above Cala Tuent stands an old watchtower that was built in the 16th century to warn of pirate attacks. The ports of the island were a popular target for such attacks, which is reenacted every year in May at the Pirate Festival in Sóller. Next to the watchtower on the summit, called Sa Mola de Tuent, there is an abandoned chapel.

This hike is not very long, but there is no clear path. It goes over loose boulders. In addition to stone pyramids, knots in the grass serve as guides. It’s not necessary to climb directly, but there are some spots where a little more attention is needed.

The start of this hike is located at the Ermita de Sant Llorenç. The sanctuary was first mentioned in a document in 1322 and is located directly on the access road to Cala Tuent. Parking is available next to it and offers a first glimpse of the bay. The trail begins to the left of the church, but it is not immediately recognizable as such, even though the torrers, the tower guards, had to pass through here. Once you are facing the cliff, you will notice a small path that winds up the wall. That’s where you go.

Just before reaching the first peak, there is an iron chain and some iron hooks as footholds in the rock. This is the most challenging spot. Take your time and go one at a time. After that, it’s briefly a bit flatter. However, it also means searching for stone towers. Once you’ve overcome another hill, you’ll see the tower in the distance, which serves as a point of orientation from here on. And you might even come across a goat or two on your way.

At 462 meters above sea level, you’ll reach the Puig de la Falconera, where the watchtower from 1596 stands. It was part of the pirate defense system designed by Joan Benimelis. A metal ladder is attached to the tower, which you can climb up. Unfortunately, the door to the tower was locked during our visit. Theoretically, you can then climb up a spiral staircase to the roof, where an old cannon tube still lies.

A small chapel and a shelter can be found below the tower. There is also a fountain. At the shelter, there are various seating options with a view of either the bay or the mountains. The way back is along the same path.

To Font des Verger

Tour Details: 6.5 km – 200 m altitude gain – 3 h

If you follow the hiking trail to the east, towards Sóller, after four kilometers you will reach the Font des Verger spring and an old power plant. The route is relatively easy, but it does go up and down several times. Some basic fitness is required.

The electricity plant was operated from 1908 to 1962 using the water from the Font des Verger. The thick steel pipes, an old engine house, and rusty turbines bear witness to the past. The former sedimentation basin now looks more like a mountain lake. The site is perfect for longer breaks and extensive picnics in nature.

The trail is easy to follow, as Sa Costera is signposted on wooden signs shortly after leaving Cala Tuent behind. The descent (and ascent for the return trip) is somewhat challenging. It goes down a rocky footpath through tall grass in steep switchbacks. However, the trail is always visible. You’re almost at the end when you reach the water basin and cross a bridge over a water channel.

Nearby: Explore the best Places close to Cala Tuent

Time flies, and usually there isn’t nearly enough time to see everything. However, if you’re in the area and looking for more things to do, here are some nearby attractions worth checking out.

Sa Calobra & Torrent de Pareis

If you’ve never been there before, be sure to stop in Sa Calobra. Depending on the time of year and day, it may not be too crowded. The fishing village is nice, but there isn’t much to see beyond taking a few photos. The bars and restaurants are complete tourist traps, so it’s better to bring your own food.

Torrent de Pareis and Sa Calobra

A much more recommendable option is to take a short hike into the Torrent de Pareis. Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be a big climbing adventure. But to even begin to understand the size of this gorge, you should definitely walk away from the sea and all the tourists.

Monastery of Lluc

Depending on the direction you’re coming from, you might also pass by the Lluc Monastery on your way to Cala Tuent. The sanctuary has been and still is the most important pilgrimage site on the island. Attached to it is a small botanical garden and a pool where you can swim in the mountains during the summer.

Lluc Monastery

In addition to many hiking opportunities, you will also find one of the few campsites of Mallorca here. For those who prefer more comfort, you can also stay directly in the monastery. There are several restaurants and a large picnic area where you can barbecue between October and May.

Puig Major

If you don’t pass by the monastery on your way to Cala Tuent, you’ll most likely drive past the Cúber water reservoir, located at the foot of Puig Major, on the other side of the bay. There is a small parking lot and a picnic area.

Some of the most challenging hikes start at the reservoir. If you prefer an easy tour that can be done with small children, you can walk around the reservoir. You may even come across some sheep and donkeys along the way.

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